Tenable Open Source
Advancing cybersecurity throughout open source tooling is the right thing to do. By standardizing security policies with more accessibility, you can more effectively work together with other cybersecurity professionals to identify and mitigate potential risks to create a more secure cloud environment for everyone.
Try TerrascanTenable Open Source Community Projects
Uniting security professionals, students and open source contributors to foster innovation.
Terrascan by Tenable
With Terrascan, you can scan nearly all infrastructure as code (IaC) types for misconfigurations and compliance violations with more than 500 out-of-the-box policies. Terrascan leverages the Open Policy Agent (OPA) engine so you can easily create custom policies using the Rego query language. Integrate into your CI/CD, use locally or test code in your browser to see how effective preventive security can be. With 4,000 GitHub stars and 1.8 million downloads, Terrascan is one of the most beloved open source cloud security tools in the world.
Try in now: Terrascan SandboxCNAPPgoat
CNAPPgoat is an open source project for safe testing of cloud security skills, processes and tools in an easy to deploy and destroy sandbox environment. This enables defenders to test detection and prevention mechanisms against vulnerabilities and misconfigurations, while providing offensive professionals practice environments. With a large and expanding library of scenarios, DevSecOps teams can validate defenses in customized environments and simulate unsecured and vulnerable assets.
Blog: CNAPPgoat:The Multicloud Open Source Tool for Deploying Vulnerable-by-Design Cloud ResourcesAccess Undenied AWS
Access Undenied on AWS is an open source command-line interface (CLI) tool that analyzes and gives context to AWS CloudTrail AccessDenied events. It works by scanning the environment to identify and explain event reasons and offers actionable least-privilege remediation suggestions. Give the tool a CloudTrail event with an “Access Denied” outcome, and it will tell you how to fix it within seconds.
Blog: Access Undenied on AWSJoin the Tenable Open Source Community
- Tenable Cloud Security