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Tenable 博客


網路安全快照: North Korea’s Cyber Spies Hunt for Nuclear Secrets, as Online Criminals Ramp Up AI Use in the EU

July 26, 2024
Check out a CISA-FBI advisory about North Korean cyber espionage on critical infrastructure orgs. Plus, what Europol found about the use of AI for cybercrime. Meanwhile, the risk concerns that healthcare leaders have about generative AI. And a poll on water plant cybersecurity. 更多内容不一一列举!

ConfusedFunction: A Privilege Escalation Vulnerability Impacting GCP Cloud Functions

July 24, 2024

Organizations that have used Google Cloud Platform’s Cloud Functions – a serverless execution environment – could be impacted by a privilege escalation vulnerability discovered by Tenable and dubbed as “ConfusedFunction.” Read on to learn all about the vulnerability and what your organization needs to do to protect itself.

Tenable’s Software Update Process Protects Customers’ Business Continuity with a Safe, Do-No-Harm Design

July 23, 2024

With the unprecedented tech outages experienced by so many of our customers over the last week, we recognize the need for deeper understanding of our software development processes and how they support global business continuity. In this blog post, we’ll outline how Tenable’s comprehensive approach to the software development lifecycle (SDLC) allows us to produce extremely high-quality software and protect our customers’ business operations with a secure, do-no-harm approach.

如果您只有五分钟时间,可以在此一窥 CNAPP(但我们也有电子书)

July 23, 2024

If you’re a bit puzzled by all the talk about cloud native application protection platforms (CNAPPs), worry not. Our new eBook “Empower Your Cloud: Mastering CNAPP Security” explains in plain English what CNAPP is, how it works and why it’ll help you secure your cloud environment confidently. Read on to check out the eBook’s main highlights.

使用适用于机密 SaaS 的 JIT Access 改进云安全

July 22, 2024

Using just-in-time controls to secure access to your SaaS applications will reduce your cloud attack surface by avoiding permanent access and enforcing least privilege.

How To Do a Security Audit of Pimcore Enterprise Platform

July 22, 2024

Our new research paper gives you a roadmap for using Pimcore's features while preserving security.

Tenable Customer Update about CrowdStrike Incident

July 19, 2024

Please read this important customer update about CrowdStrike's recent incident.

網路安全快照: CISA Breaks Into Agency, Outlines Weak Spots in Report, as Cloud Security Alliance Updates Cloud Sec Guidance

July 19, 2024

CISA’s red team acted like a nation-state attacker in its assessment of a federal agency’s cybersecurity. Plus, the Cloud Security Alliance has given its cloud security guidance a major revamping. Meanwhile, a Google report puts a spotlight on insecure credentials. And the latest on open source security, CIS Benchmarks and much more!

Tenable Announces Former Senior Administration Officials to Inaugural Public Sector Advisory Board

July 18, 2024

Rob Joyce and Mark Weatherford will help Tenable shape federal cyber and AI policy

Oracle July 2024 Critical Patch Update Addresses 175 CVEs

July 16, 2024

Oracle addresses 175 CVEs in its third quarterly update of 2024 with 386 patches, including 26 critical updates.

網路安全快照: CISA Tells Tech Vendors To Squash Command Injection Bugs, as OpenSSF Calls on Developers To Boost Security Skills

July 12, 2024

Check out CISA’s call for weeding out preventable OS command injection vulnerabilities. Plus, the Linux Foundation and OpenSSF spotlight the lack of cybersecurity expertise among SW developers. Meanwhile, GenAI deployments have tech leaders worried about data privacy and data security. And get the latest on FedRAMP, APT40 and AI-powered misinformation!

基于风险的漏洞管理如何提升现代 IT 环境的安全态势

July 11, 2024

漏洞评估和漏洞管理似乎没什么不同,其实不然。正如 Enterprise Strategy Group 发布的一份新白皮书所述,关键是要了解它们之间的差异,并从临时性的漏洞评估转变为持续的、基于风险的漏洞管理(RBVM)。请继续阅读 Tenable 委托实施研究的要点,了解 RBVM 如何帮助企业在混合、复杂和多云环境中实现稳固的安全和风险态势。

Microsoft’s July 2024 Patch Tuesday Addresses 138 CVEs (CVE-2024-38080, CVE-2024-38112)

July 9, 2024

Microsoft addresses 138 CVEs in its July 2024 Patch Tuesday release, with five critical vulnerabilities and three zero-day vulnerabilities, two of which were exploited in the wild.


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Tenable Vulnerability Management


在阿联酋之外外创建的 Tenable Vulnerability Management 试用版还将包括 Tenable Lumin 和 Tenable Web App Scanning。

Tenable Vulnerability Management

可全面访问基于云的现代化漏洞管理平台,从而以无可比拟的精确度发现并追踪所有资产。 立即购买年度订阅。

100 项资产



Tenable Vulnerability Management


在阿联酋之外外创建的 Tenable Vulnerability Management 试用版还将包括 Tenable Lumin 和 Tenable Web App Scanning。

Tenable Vulnerability Management

可全面访问基于云的现代化漏洞管理平台,从而以无可比拟的精确度发现并追踪所有资产。 立即购买年度订阅。

100 项资产



Tenable Vulnerability Management


在阿联酋之外外创建的 Tenable Vulnerability Management 试用版还将包括 Tenable Lumin 和 Tenable Web App Scanning。

Tenable Vulnerability Management

可全面访问基于云的现代化漏洞管理平台,从而以无可比拟的精确度发现并追踪所有资产。 立即购买年度订阅。

100 项资产



试用 Tenable Web App Scanning

您可以通过 Tenable One 风险暴露管理平台完全访问我们专为现代应用程序量身打造的最新 Web 应用程序扫描产品。可安全扫描全部在线资产组合的漏洞,具有高度准确性,而且无需繁重的手动操作或中断关键的 Web 应用程序。立即注册。

Tenable Web App Scanning 试用版还包含 Tenable Vulnerability Management 和 Tenable Lumin。

购买 Tenable Web App Scanning

可全面访问基于云的现代化漏洞管理平台,从而以无可比拟的精确度发现并追踪所有资产。 立即购买年度订阅。

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试用 Tenable Lumin

使用 Tenable Lumin 直观呈现及探索您的风险暴露管理,长期追踪风险降低状况,并比照同行业者进行基准衡量。

Tenable Lumin 试用版还包括 Tenable Vulnerability Management 和 Tenable Web App Scanning。

购买 Tenable Lumin

联系销售代表,了解 Tenable Lumin 如何帮助您获取整个企业的洞见并管理网络安全风险。

免费试用 Tenable Nessus Professional

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Tenable Nessus 是当今市场上功能最全面的漏洞扫描器。

新 - Tenable Nessus Expert

Nessus Expert 添加了更多功能,包括外部攻击面扫描,以及添加域和扫描云基础设施的功能。单击此处试用 Nessus Expert。

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Tenable Nessus 是当今市场上功能最全面的漏洞扫描器。Tenable Nessus Professional 可帮助自动化漏洞扫描流程、节省合规周期的时间,并调动起 IT 团队的积极性。

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Nessus Expert 针对现代攻击面而量身打造,可以查看更多信息,保护企业免遭从 IT 到云中漏洞的攻击。


